19 research outputs found

    Caracterización microclimática mediante sensores de humedad y temperatura de obras de arte con fines de conservación preventiva

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] This PhD dissertation deals with the multivariate statistical analysis of microclimatic data for preventive conservation of cultural heritage in several locations: Ariadne's house (Pompeii, Italy), l'Almoina Archaeological Museum (Valencia, Spain) and mudejar church of Santa Maria in Ateca (Zaragoza, Spain). The main objective of this thesis is to propose a methodology for statistical analysis of microclimatic data which can be extended to curators and restorers. The usefulness of the proposed methodology is shown, as it has been successfully applied to the studied cultural heritage sites. Furthermore, corrective actions have been proposed and taken in accordance with the results obtained from the analysis of data recorded at Ariadne's house and the Archaeological Museum of l'Almoina. The effectiveness of such corrective measures has been evaluated through a second monitoring campaign. In the case of Ariadne's house, two monitoring campaigns were conducted. During the first, in 2008, the analysis of the recorded data showed that the transparent polycarbonate roof installed in the 1970s was causing a greenhouse effect harmful to the conservation of the frescoes. The sensors also helped identifying differences between orientations and heights. Following our recommendations, in 2010 the roofs were changed by some opaque fibrocement and thermo-hygrometric data recorded in a second monitoring campaign allowed us evaluating the adequacy of the corrective actions in configuring a more stable microclimate. The Archaeological Museum of l'Almoina is exposed to passers-by through a skylight that covers part of the ruins. A first monitoring campaign in 2010 allowed the thermo-hygrometric characterization of the inner microclimate and the identification of the significant influence of the skylight on the temperature and relative humidity values, causing sharp rises and falls during the daylight hours. In 2013 two corrective measures were implemented and evaluated subsequently through a second microclimatic monitoring campaign conducted at the museum. The mudejar church of Santa Maria is located in Ateca, a town in the province of Zaragoza characterised by cold winters and warm summers. Given the low temperatures in winter, a heating system is used. The results of our analysis have shown that the heating system is turned on only for the celebration of Mass or religious festivities (half hour before the entrance of public at the church), causing extreme cycles of temperature and humidity, especially at the upper parts of the altarpiece due to the rising of hot air (hourly increase of 7 ºC in temperature and a decrease of 11% relative humidity) that are detrimental for the conservation of this artwork.[ES] Esta tesis doctoral trata sobre el análisis estadístico multivariante de datos microclimaticos para la conservación preventiva en patrimonio cultural: la casa de Ariadna (Pompeya, Italia), el Museo arqueológico de l'Almoina (Valencia, España) y la iglesia mudéjar de Santa María en Ateca (Ateca, España) . El objetivo principal de esta tesis es proponer una metodología de análisis estadístico de datos microclimáticos extensible a conservadores y restauradores. Se demuestra la utilidad de la metodología propuesta, ya que ha sido posible caracterizar los sitios del patrimonio cultural estudiados. Además, se han propuesto y adoptado acciones correctivas de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos del análisis de los datos registrados en la casa de Ariadna y el Museo arqueológico de l'Almoina. La efectividad de dichas medidas correctoras ha sido evaluada a través de una segunda campaña de monitorización. En el caso de la casa de Ariadna, dos campañas de monitorización se llevaron a cabo. Durante la primera, en 2008, el análisis de los datos recogidos demostró que los tejados de policarbonato transparente instalados en los años 70 estaban provocando un efecto invernadero muy perjudicial para la conservación de los frescos. Los sensores permitieron además identificar diferencias entre orientaciones y alturas. Bajo las recomendaciones realizadas, en 2010 los tejados fueron cambiados por unos opacos de fibrocemento, y los datos termo-higrométricos recogidos en una segunda campaña de monitorización permitieron evaluar la adecuación de la medida correctiva en la configuración de un microclima más estable. El Museo arqueológico de l'Almoina se encuentra expuesto a los viandantes a través de una claraboya que cubre parte de las ruinas. Una primera campaña de monitorización en 2010 permitió caracterizar termo-higrométricamente el museo e identificar la influencia significativa de la claraboya sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa, causando fuertes aumentos y caídas durante las horas de luz del día, así como un aporte de humedad de una acequia colindante. En 2013 se llevaron a cabo dos medidas correctivas que fueron evaluadas a través de una segunda monitorización microclimática. La iglesia mudéjar de Santa María está situada en Ateca, una población de la provincia de Zaragoza caracterizada por fríos inviernos y cálidos veranos. Esta fría climatología invernal condiciona la iglesia al uso de un sistema de climatización. El resultado de nuestros análisis ha puesto de manifiesto que el sistema de climatización solo se enciende para la celebración de misas o festividades religiosas, media hora antes de que entre el público en la iglesia, provocando extremos ciclos de temperatura y humedad relativa, más notables en las partes altas del retablo por el ascenso del aire caliente (incremento horario de 7 ºC en la temperatura y un descenso del 11% de la humedad relativa) que resultan perjudiciales para la conservación de este.[CA] Aquesta Tesi doctoral tracta sobre l'anàlisi estadístic multivariant de dades microclimatics per a la conservació preventiva en patrimoni cultural: la casa d'Ariadna (Pompeia, Itàlia), el Museu arqueològic de l'Almoina (València, Espanya) i l'església mudèjar de Santa Maria en Ateca (Saragossa, Espanya). L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi _es proposar una metodologia d'anàlisi estadístic de dades microclimatics extensible a conservadors i restauradors. Es demostra la utilitat de la metodologia proposada, ja que ha sigut possible caracteritzar els llocs del patrimoni cultural estudiats. A més, s'han proposat i adoptat accions correctives d'acord amb els resultats obtinguts de l'anàlisi de les dades registrades en la casa d'Ariadna i el Museu arqueològic de l'Almoina. L'efectivitat d'aquestes mesures correctores ha sigut avaluada a través d'una segona campanya de monitoratge. En el cas de la casa d'Ariadna, dues campanyes de monitoratge es van dur a terme. Durant la primera, en 2008, l'anàlisi de les dades enregistrades va demostrar que les teulades de policarbonat transparent instal·lades en els anys 70 estaven provocant un efecte hivernacle molt perjudicial per a la conservació dels frescs. Els sensors van permetre a més identificar diferències entre orientacions i altures. Sota les recomanacions realitzades, en 2010 les teulades van ser canviades per unes opaques de fibrociment, i les dades termo-higromètriques arreplegades en una segona campanya de monitoratge van permetre avaluar l'adequació de la mesura correctiva en la configuració d'un microclima més estable. El Museu arqueològic de l'Almoina es troba exposat als vianants a través d'una claraboia que cobreix part de les ruïnes. Una primera campanya de monitoratge en 2010 va permetre caracteritzar termo-higrometricament el museu i identificar la influència significativa de la claraboia sobre la temperatura i la humitat relativa, causant forts augments i caigudes durant les hores diürnes, així__ com una aportació d'humitat d'una sèquia confrontant. En 2013 es van dur a terme dues mesures correctives que van ser avaluades a través d'un segon monitoratge microclimàtic. L'església mudèjar de Santa Maria està situada en Ateca, una població de la província de Saragossa caracteritzada per freds hiverns i càlids estius. Aquesta freda climatologia hivernal condiciona l'església a l'ús d'un sistema de climatització. El resultat de les nostres anàlisis ha posat de manifest que el sistema de climatització solament s'encén per a la celebració de misses o festivitats religioses, mitja hora abans que entre el públic en l'església, provocant extrems cicles de temperatura i humitat relativa, més notables en les parts altes del retaule per l'ascens de l'aire calent (increment horari de 7ºC en la temperatura i un descens del 11% de la humitat relativa) que resulten perjudicials per a la conservació d'aquest.Merello Giménez, P. (2015). Caracterización microclimática mediante sensores de humedad y temperatura de obras de arte con fines de conservación preventiva [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57490TESISCompendi


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    Este trabajo trata sobre el conocimiento de la dinámica de tres patologías de trastorno del control de impulsos: la adicción al trabajo, a las compras y al consumo de ansiolíticos. El objetivo de la presente tesis es el de proponer tres modelos matemáticos, basados en ecuaciones en diferencias, especí¿cos para cada una de estas adicciones, que permitan predecir la prevalencia de estos trastornos conductuales (adicción al trabajo, a las compras y a los ansiolíticos) bajo diferentes perspectivas económicas. Los resultados destacan una tendencia creciente de la prevalencia de estas adicciones en los próximos años. A partir del número esperado de consumidores, se estiman los costes totales anuales asociados a la prescripción de ansiolíticos soportados por el sector público.Merello Giménez, P. (2013). MODELIZACIÓN MATEMÁTICA DEL EFECTO DE LA ECONOMÍA EN DESORDENES DEL COMPORTAMIENTO: ADICCIONES, COSTES PERSONALES Y SOCIALES [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/27664TESI

    Impact of students’ performance in the continuous assesment methodology through Moodle on the final exam

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    [EN] This paper looks into the different evolution of students’ online questionnaire performance and its impact on the final examination mark. This innovative technique has been used in a group of an introductory financial accounting course with 8 online questionnaires (one per unit) in the Moodle platform. Using cluster analysis, we identify different groups of performance evolution. The evidence obtained suggests that in one of this groups a favourable test performance evolution may lead to overconfidence with the subsequent negative effect on the final examination mark. Future research with more variables and bigger samples will help identifying this student profile with a view to prevent this undesired negative effect of this teaching technique.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the University of Valencia (UVSFPIE_GER16-415408)Merello-Giménez, P.; Zorio-Grima, A. (2017). Impact of students’ performance in the continuous assesment methodology through Moodle on the final exam. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 17-25. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.4779OCS172

    Quantitative non-invasive method for damage evaluation in frescoes: Ariadne's House (Pompeii, Italy)

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    The preventive conservation is based on acting on the causes of deterioration of cultural heritage to minimise damage, extending its lifetime and minimising the costs of restoration. In this paper, a quantitative method of recording and assessment of damage in frescoes is presented. Damage mapping has been performed with a colour scale of six values for two fresco paintings of two walls at Ariadne's House (Pompeii, Italy); subsequently, this information has been transferred to a data matrix which and statistical analysis of Variance (ANOVA) has been applied. ANOVA results show significant differences for the vertical and the horizontal axis depending on the different stages of damage. These differences also depend on the wall, which may be due to intrinsic differences such as materials of different restorations, the orientation of the wall, etc. or extrinsic differences and variations in temperature, relative humidity, etc. This methodology may be used in the future to quantify the influence of different variables on the extent of the deterioration of the paint layer, as for example determine and monitor its correlation to salts analytics in a determined facing.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) under projects HAR2013-47895-C2-1-P and HAR2013-47895-C2-2-P. This publication is part of the programme of valorisation and combined resources of the I + D + i of VLC/CAMPUS and has been partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports as part of the programme of international excellence campus (PAID 06-14).Merello Giménez, P.; Beltrán Medina, P.; García Diego, FJ. (2016). Quantitative non-invasive method for damage evaluation in frescoes: Ariadne's House (Pompeii, Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences. 75(2). doi:10.1007/s12665-015-5066-3S752Arnold A, Zehnder K (1996) Monitoring wall paintings affected by soluble salts. In: Cather S (ed) The conservation of wall paintings, 2nd edn. Courtauld Institute of Art and the Getty Conservation Institute, London, pp 103–136Goudie AS, Viles HA (1997) Salt weathering hazards. Wiley, LondonGuarneri M, Danielis A, Francucci M, De Collibus MF, Fornetti G, Mencattini A (2014) 3D remote colorimetry and watershed segmentation techniques for fresco and artwork decay monitoring and preservation. J Archaeol Sci 46(1):182–190. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.02.020Hamamcioglu-Turan M, Akbaylar I (2011) Documentation of historic structures for the assessment of heritage characteristics. J Archit Plan Res 28(2):129Merello P, García-Diego FJ, Zarzo M (2012) Microclimate monitoring of Ariadne’s House (Pompeii, Italy) for preventive conservation of fresco paintings. Chem Cent J 6:145. doi: 10.1186/1752-153X-6-145Merello P, García-Diego FJ, Zarzo M (2013) Evaluation of corrective measures implemented for the preventive conservation of fresco paintings in Ariadne’s House (Pompeii, Italy). Chem Cent J 7(1):87. doi: 10.1186/1752-153X-7-87Myra J, Giesena A, Ungb P, Warkec A, Christgenb B, Mazela AD, Grahamb DW (2014) Condition assessment and preservation of open-air rock art panels during environmental change. J Cult Herit 15:49–56. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2013.01.013Nevin A, Melia JL, Osticioli I, Gautier G, Colombini MP (2008) The identification of copper oxalates in a 16th century Cypriot exterior wall painting using micro FTIR, micro Raman spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. J Cult Herit. 9:154–161. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.10.002O’Brien P (1990) An experimental study of the effects of salt erosion on pottery. J Archaeol Sci 17(4):393–401. doi: 10.1016/0305-4403(90)90004-OPérez MC, Garcia-Diego FJ, Merello P, D’Antoni P, Fernández Navajas A, Ribera i Lacomba A, Ferrazza L, Pérez-Miralles J, Baró JL, Merce P, D’Antoni H, Curiel J (2013) Ariadne´s house (Pompeii, Italy) wall paintings: a multidisciplinary study of its present state focused on a future restoration and preventive conservation. Mater Construcc 63(311):449–467. doi: 10.3989/mc.2012.00812Pesando F (1997) Domus: edilizia privata e società pompeiana fra III e I secolo a.C., “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, RomePesando F (2007) La Casa de Ariadna de Pompeya: redescubrimiento de una domus. In: Ribera A, Olcina M, Ballester C (eds) Pompeya bajo Pompeya, Las excavaciones en la Casa de Ariadna. Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante (MARQ), Valencia, pp 21–23Rodriguez-Navarro C, Doehne E (1999) Salt weathering: influence of evaporation rate, supersaturation and crystallization pattern. Earth Surf Process Landf 24:191–209. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9837(199903)24:33.0.CO;2-GRuiz-agudo E, Lubelli B, Sawdy A, Van Hees R, Price C, Rodriguez-Navarro C (2011) An integrated methodology for salt damage assessment and remediation: the case of San Jerónimo Monastery (Granada, Spain). Environ Earth Sci 63(7):1475–1486. doi: 10.1007/s12665-010-0661-9Statgraphics Software 5.1. Available online. http://www.statgraphics.net/ . Accessed 18 March 2015Warke PA, Curran JM, Turkington AV, Smith BJ (2003) Condition assessment for building stone conservation: a staging system approach. 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    High Frequency Data Acquisition System for Modelling the Impact of Visitors on the Thermo-Hygrometric Conditions of Archaeological Sites: A Casa di Diana (Ostia Antica, Italy) Case Study

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    [EN] The characterization of the microclimatic conditions is fundamental for the preventive conservation of archaeological sites. In this context, the identification of the factors that influence the thermo-hygrometric equilibrium is key to determine the causes of cultural heritage deterioration. In this work, a characterization of the thermo-hygrometric conditions of Casa di Diana (Ostia Antica, Italy) is carried out analyzing the data of temperature and relative humidity recorded by a system of sensors with high monitoring frequency. Sensors are installed in parallel, calibrated and synchronized with a microcontroller. A data set of 793,620 data, arranged in a matrix with 66,135 rows and 12 columns, was used. Furthermore, the influence of human impact (visitors) is evaluated through a multiple linear regression model and a logistic regression model. The visitors do not affect the environmental humidity as it is very high and constant all the year. The results show a significant influence of the visitors in the upset of the thermal balance. When a tourist guide takes place, the probability that the hourly temperature variation reaches values higher than its monthly average is 10.64 times higher than it remains equal or less to its monthly average. The analysis of the regression residuals shows the influence of outdoor climatic variables in the thermal balance, such as solar radiation or ventilation.The authors would like to thank the staff of the archaeological area of Ostia Antica for the permission to work in this house. This work is partially supported by the projects HAR2013-47895-C2-1-P and HAR2013-47895-C2-2-P from MINECO.Merello Giménez, P.; García Diego, FJ.; Beltrán Medina, P.; Scatigno, C. (2018). High Frequency Data Acquisition System for Modelling the Impact of Visitors on the Thermo-Hygrometric Conditions of Archaeological Sites: A Casa di Diana (Ostia Antica, Italy) Case Study. Sensors. 18(2):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18020348S11518

    7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21)

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    Information and communication technologies together with new teaching paradigms are reshaping the learning environment.The International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd) aims to become a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences,opinions and research results relating to the preparation of students and the organization of educational systems.Doménech I De Soria, J.; Merello Giménez, P.; Poza Plaza, EDL. (2021). 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD21.2021.13621EDITORIA

    Interaction in spoken academic discourse in an EMI context: the use of questions

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    Studies on metadiscourse (Hyland 2005) have focussed on engagement as interaction. An example of engagement is asking questions (Hyland 2009: 112) and indeed the importance of questioning for content learning has been researched extensively in pedagogical studies as fundamental in co-constructing meaning (Dafouz Milne &amp; Sanchez Garcia 2013: 130). Research in an English Mediated Instruction (EMI) context found that teachers’ usage of questions in the classroom was affected by low levels of language competence and in these cases, strategies such as questioning could easily be underused or even misused, thus affecting the teaching and learning of content (Drljaca Margic &amp; Vodopija-Krstanovic 2018: 32). Our study examines lecturer questioning at an Italian University by triangulating face-to-face surveys of lecturers, student questionnaires, and transcribed lecture recordings. Findings have practical applications for providing targeted coaching for non-native EMI lecturers with regard to appropriate linguistic strategies to encourage interaction, and also have implications for research into linguistic strategies used within EMI. Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE <w:LsdException Locked="falseJohnson, JH.; Picciuolo, M. (2020). Interaction in spoken academic discourse in an EMI context: the use of questions. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):211-219. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11018OCS21121930-05-202

    Predicting workaholism in Spain: a discrete mathematical model

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    At the present time one of the most 'desirable' behavioural addictions that any person could develop is workaholism, a negative psychological state characterized by working excessively and compulsively. In our society, the successful person is one who spends all of their time working. Moreover, a common pattern of company management consists of stressing and putting pressure on employees to achieve the maximum profit. This trend has increased with the economic crisis in Spain and over the world. As a consequence, the terms hard working and workaholism are easily confounded, but their effects on the companies are highly different in terms of productivity. This paper proposes a discrete mathematical model to forecast the development of workaholism in Spain in the next years. A questionnaire is used in order to measure and classify our sample in subpopulations by their level of addiction. Then, different economic scenarios are simulated. Finally, economic and social consequences of this addiction are studied and public health recommendations are suggested.De La Poza, E.; Líbano, MD.; García, I.; Jódar Sánchez, LA.; Merello Giménez, P. (2014). Predicting workaholism in Spain: a discrete mathematical model. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 91(2):233-240. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207160.2013.783205S233240912Schou Andreassen, C., Ursin, H., & Eriksen, H. R. (2007). The relationship between strong motivation to work, «workaholism», and health. Psychology & Health, 22(5), 615-629. doi:10.1080/14768320600941814Bowling, N. A., Beehr, T. A., & Swader, W. M. (2005). Giving and receiving social support at work: The roles of personality and reciprocity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 67(3), 476-489. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2004.08.004Burke, R. J., & Koksal, H. (2002). Workaholism among a Sample of Turkish Managers and Professionals: An Exploratory Study. Psychological Reports, 91(1), 60-68. doi:10.2466/pr0.2002.91.1.60Burke, R. J., Oberklaid, F., & Burgess, Z. (2004). Workaholism among Australian women psychologists: antecedents and consequences. Women in Management Review, 19(5), 252-259. doi:10.1108/09649420410545971De la Poza, E., Guadalajara, N., Jódar, L., & Merello, P. (2013). Modeling Spanish anxiolytic consumption: Economic, demographic and behavioral influences. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57(7-8), 1619-1624. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2011.10.020Duato, R., & Jódar, L. (2013). Mathematical modeling of the spread of divorce in Spain. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57(7-8), 1732-1737. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2011.11.020Fry, L. W., & Cohen, M. P. (2008). Spiritual Leadership as a Paradigm for Organizational Transformation and Recovery from Extended Work Hours Cultures. Journal of Business Ethics, 84(S2), 265-278. doi:10.1007/s10551-008-9695-2García, I., Jódar, L., Merello, P., & Santonja, F.-J. (2011). A discrete mathematical model for addictive buying: Predicting the affected population evolution. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(7-8), 1634-1637. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2010.12.012Gustafsson, P. E., Janlert, U., Virtanen, P., & Hammarström, A. (2012). The association between long-term accumulation of temporary employment, the cortisol awakening response and circadian cortisol levels. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(6), 789-800. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.09.011Hochschild, A. (1997). The Time Bind. WorkingUSA, 1(2), 21-29. doi:10.1111/j.1743-4580.1997.tb00019.xNelder, J. A., & Mead, R. (1965). A Simplex Method for Function Minimization. The Computer Journal, 7(4), 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308Ng, T. W. H., Sorensen, K. L., & Feldman, D. C. (2006). Dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of workaholism: a conceptual integration and extension. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28(1), 111-136. doi:10.1002/job.424W.E. Oates,Confessions of a Workaholic: The Facts about Work Addiction, World Publishing Company, New York, 1971.Raafat, R. M., Chater, N., & Frith, C. (2009). Herding in humans. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(10), 420-428. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2009.08.002Robinson, B. E., & Post, P. (1997). Risk of Addiction to Work and Family Functioning. Psychological Reports, 81(1), 91-95. doi:10.2466/pr0.1997.81.1.91Schaufeli, W. B., & Bakker, A. B. (2004). Job demands, job resources, and their relationship with burnout and engagement: a multi-sample study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(3), 293-315. doi:10.1002/job.248Schaufeli, W. B., Bakker, A. B., & Salanova, M. (2006). The Measurement of Work Engagement With a Short Questionnaire. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66(4), 701-716. doi:10.1177/0013164405282471Schaufeli, W. B., Taris, T. W., & van Rhenen, W. (2008). Workaholism, Burnout, and Work Engagement: Three of a Kind or Three Different Kinds of Employee Well-being? Applied Psychology, 57(2), 173-203. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2007.00285.xSchaufeli, W. B., Bakker, A. B., van der Heijden, F. M. M. A., & Prins, J. T. (2009). Workaholism, burnout and well-being among junior doctors: The mediating role of role conflict. Work & Stress, 23(2), 155-172. doi:10.1080/02678370902834021Shimazu, A., Schaufeli, W. B., & Taris, T. W. (2010). How Does Workaholism Affect Worker Health and Performance? The Mediating Role of Coping. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17(2), 154-160. doi:10.1007/s12529-010-9077-xSonnentag, S. (2003). Recovery, work engagement, and proactive behavior: A new look at the interface between nonwork and work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(3), 518-528. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.88.3.518Yaniv, G. (2011). Workaholism and marital estrangement: A rational-choice perspective. Mathematical Social Sciences, 61(2), 104-108. doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2010.11.00

    Study of the Effect of the Strategy of Heating on the Mudejar Church of Santa Maria in Ateca (Spain) for Preventive Conservation of the Altarpiece Surroundings

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    The mudejar church of Santa Maria (Ateca) is valuable for its architecture and the altarpiece contained inside. Ateca is a village with continental climate characterized by cold winters and hot summers. In this paper we are interested in analysing the effect of temperature and relative humidity (RH) changes produced by the heating system on the altarpiece. Therefore, a monitoring system of 15 temperature and 15 relative humidity sensors was installed with a recording frequency of a data point per minute. The main contribution of this paper is the quantitative study of the effect of the heating system on the thermo-hygrometric parameters using statistical techniques such as ANOVA, mean daily trajectories or bivariate plots, and the proposal of an innovative dynamic contour plot. As results, the heating system produces a substantial increase (decrease) of temperature (RH) causing an hourly variation of these physical parameters detrimental to the conservation of the altarpiece, especially in its higher areas.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion) under projects HAR2010-21944-C02-01 and HAR2010-21944-C02-02. The authors thank the companies Albarium S.L., that made the restoration, and Artechnology S.L., which supplied the sensors and to Carmen Perez from Instituto Valenciano de Conservacion y Restauracion de Bienes Culturales (IVC+R).García Diego, FJ.; Fernández Navajas, A.; Beltrán Medina, P.; Merello Giménez, P. (2013). Study of the Effect of the Strategy of Heating on the Mudejar Church of Santa Maria in Ateca (Spain) for Preventive Conservation of the Altarpiece Surroundings. Sensors. 13(9):11407-11423. https://doi.org/10.3390/s130911407S114071142313

    Environmental proactiveness in the company: an empirical categorization and its key components

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    El trabajo se enmarca en el microclúster de investigación UPV-UV “Globalización, terciarización, turismo y patrimonio: hacia una gestión sostenible del pasado como futuro”.[EN] Environmental proactiveness is a fundamental component of any company´s corporate social responsibility that produces both tangible and intangible benefits. This paper presents an evaluation and categorization model from an environmental point of view. An empirical analysis made with quantitative techniques to 96 Spanish industrial companies located in the Valencia Community, allowed us to distribute the sample in three distinctive groups. The factors leading to that distribution and characterizing the degree of environmental proactiveness were also identified. The results make possible to steer a company´s internal activities by highlighting the causes and effects that environmental proactiveness has on its competitiveness, and serve as a guide to shape up public policies aimed at increasing and improving the environmental involvement of business networks.[ES] La proactividad medioambiental es parte fundamental de la responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas y genera beneficios tanto tangibles como intangibles. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de evaluación y clasificación empresarial en función de la orientación hacia el medioambiente. Un análisis empírico a través de técnicas cuantitativas aplicadas a noventa y seis empresas industriales españolas ubicadas en la Comunidad Valenciana permite clasificar la muestra en tres grupos diferentes. Se identifican también los factores que determinan dicha orientación y que caracterizan el grado de proactividad medioambiental. Los resultados obtenidos, por una parte, permiten orientar adecuadamente las actividades internas de la empresa al poner de manifiesto las causas y efectos que la proactividad medioambiental tiene sobre la competitividad de las empresas y, por otra parte, deben servir de guía para definir, de manera eficiente, las políticas públicas encaminadas a mejorar y aumentar la implicación medioambiental del tejido empresarial.Los autores agradecen la ayuda económica recibida del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación a través de los proyectos de investigación de referencia EC02008-05895-C02-01/ECON y EC02011-27369, así como al proyecto PAID-06-2011-1879 concedido por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. El trabajo se enmarca en el microclúster de investigación UPV-UV “Globalización, terciarización, turismo y patrimonio: hacia una gestión sostenible del pasado como futuro”.Segarra Oña, MDV.; Merello Giménez, P.; Segura Maroto, M.; Peiró Signes, A.; Maroto Álvarez, MC. (2012). Proactividad medioambiental en la empresa: clasificación empírica y determinación de aspectos clave. TEC Empresarial. 6(1):35-48. https://doi.org/10.18845/te.v6i1.58335486